If you or your guest try to join a recording session, you’ve granted your browser permissions for your microphone and camera, and you still don't see your microphone or camera available for your recording, you likely need to grant permissions in your Operating System settings.
Click on the Apple menu in the top left corner
Select System Preferences…
Select Security & Privacy in the top row
Select the Privacy tab near the top
Select Microphone in the sidebar on the left
Ensure Google Chrome is listed
Ensure Google Chrome’s box is checked
Refresh Alitu & double-check Chrome’s permissions by clicking on the grey lock icon to the left of the URL
Your camera settings should also be in the same area of "Security & Privacy".
Click on the Start menu in the bottom left corner
Select Settings
Select Privacy
Select Microphone
Select On next to Allow apps to access Your microphone
Select On next to Google Chrome under Choose which apps can access your microphone
Refresh Alitu & double-check Chrome’s permissions by clicking on the grey lock icon to the left of the URL
Your camera settings should be in the same area of "Privacy"
If the above doesn't work, please choose the 'reset permission' option. Here's a screenshot
Alitu works best in a Chrome browser as there are some features in Alitu that aren't supported by other browsers.