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Recording by Yourself

This article describes how and where you can record your solo audio within Alitu. Also gives guidance on allowing mic browser permissions.

Updated over 6 months ago

You can solo record audio in Alitu in 4 different places to give you maximum flexibility.

Episode creation

You'll have the option to record when creating a new episode

Episode Builder

Inside the episode builder while creating your episode

My Library

Directly inside your "My Library" that's accessible from the left-hand menu (good option if you want to create a quick voice clip and multi-purpose to use in your intros, promos, etc.)

Click 'Start Recording' to begin recording and remember to press "Stop recording" when you are done. You can then preview the recording and decide whether to Re-Record or Save the file.

If you're happy with your recording, click 'Save', if not, click 'Re-Record' to start over. Once saved, all your recordings can be found in your "My Library".

Recording Studio

Select "Record" from the left-hand menu, which takes you into your "recording studio" to record solo or remotely with your guests.

Simply press start recording, when done press stop the recording and leave the studio. Your recorded audio will appear in your "My Library".

​Microphone Permissions

When recording for the first time a browser pop-up may appear to ask you to allow Alitu microphone permissions. They may look something like the below:

Be sure to choose "Allow on every visit".

​Please reach out using the chat box at the bottom of this page if you have any questions about using Alituecor. We're happy to help!

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