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Hosting with Alitu
Settings: Alitu hosting dashboard overview
Settings: Alitu hosting dashboard overview
Updated over a week ago

Here’s an overview of the hosting dashboard:

Podcast Details. This is your podcast settings - it’s where you add all the details about your podcast such as Podcast name, description, etc.

Intro & Outro Music. This setting controls the default intro/outro music that will be added automatically to each new podcast episode you create. If you don't set a default intro/outro, you can add intro/outro music to the episode in the episode builder. You can learn more about setting your default intro/outro music here: How to set a Default Intro/Outro.

Manage Hosting. This is where you connect your podcast to your preferred hosting platform.

Podcast Website. Easy to setup and simple website specifically designed for your podcast.


  • Preferred Audio Editor

This allows you to choose to use either the Old or New Audio Editor in Alitu.

  • Preferred Editor Waveform Look

The waveform setting lets you change how the audio wave appears while editing in the episode builder. You can read more about this in our dedicated article on the editing waveform.

  • File Bitrate

The bitrate refers to the quality of the audio for your podcast episodes. Basically, the higher the bitrate, the higher quality your audio will be, but, also, the longer it takes to stream and download the episode. If you want to strike a balance, 96kbps is generally a good setting for the average podcast.

Import Podcast. If you have an existing podcast hosted elsewhere, you can use this import tool to move your podcast in Alitu.

Distribution. It’s where you find your RSS feed and links to directories such as Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

If you have any questions, please contact support using the chat box below.

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