Access your settings
You can access Settings by hovering over the gear icon or Settings tab in the left navigation of your dashboard.
App Preferences
The waveform setting lets you change how the audio wave appears while editing in the episode builder. You can read more about this in our dedicated article on the editing waveform.
This setting allows you to choose how Alitu will clean up your audio the next you upload a file or record something on the platform. If you ever have trouble with more things being silenced in your audio than you wanted, visit this setting and remove the check to turn off the background noise+ feature. See our recording FAQ's for more info.
You can also remove breath sounds, but you must have the Background Noise setting ticked to use the breath removal. Make sure both boxes are ticked.The bitrate refers to the quality of the audio for your podcast episodes. Basically, the higher the bitrate, the higher quality your audio will be, but, also, the longer it takes to stream and download the episode. If you want to strike a balance, 96kbps is generally a good setting for the average podcast.
Default Intro & Outro
This is where you can set your default Intro & Outro, so that every episode you create has a default music/theme.
Podcast Hosting
In here you can turn on Alitu Hosting or integrate with an external host.
In this section you can set your default transcription language output. Our transcription service can only auto-detect English, Dutch, Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Portuguese, so if you need another language please set the default here. Further details can be found in our transcription article.
You can also monitor your transcription usage in this dashboard. Editing with text and creating a transcript on the publish page count toward your transcription usage.