Before you cancel
We have created a simple way for you to cancel Alitu hosting.
Before you begin this process, visit Show Settings > Show Details and make sure there is no checkmark for the setting that locks your podcast feed from being transferred to another host:
Cancelling and moving to another host
1. Import your podcast to your new host using your Alitu RSS feed. This step is important to move all of your Alitu-hosted episodes to the new podcast host.
2. Visit the Show Distribution settings and copy your Alitu Podcast Feed URL. You will then paste this into the appropriate box in your new podcast host dashboard.
3. After you have imported your Alitu feed to your new podcast hosting account, navigate to Show Settings > Show Hosting and click 'Stop hosting show'.
4. In the pop-up window that appears, click 'Continue'.
5. As part of the cancellation process we will ask you for the RSS feed for your new podcast host. Add your new RSS feed and click 'Create my redirect'. Be sure to add that to create a redirect from Alitu to your new host so that the directories will get notified and grab updates from your new host moving forward.
If you don't add the redirect during the cancellation process...
but still need to redirect your Alitu feed, go to Show Settings > Show Hosting and add your new RSS feed to the ‘Alitu RSS Feed Redirect’ box and click 'Save changes'.
Cancel hosting (not moving to a new host)
If you're not moving to a new host, simply click 'Stop hosting show'.
Then click 'Continue'
You’re all set!
If you host more than one show per account, you manage hosting separately for each show. This article has more info on managing your shows and switching between them.
Refer to this help article if you wish to cancel your Alitu subscription as well.
If you need more help, please contact support using the chat box at the bottom. We’re happy to help. 🙂